The value of smoke alarm testing for your Geelong building

January 29, 2022

Regular smoke alarm testing in Geelong can save lives.

It’s as simple as that. For homeowners, landlords, renters and people with business premises, these small devices can give you precious time. And those extra minutes can mean the difference between life and death and minor property damage or total destruction.

So why risk it? When the stakes are that high, it makes perfect sense to call in experts to carry out the smoke alarm testing Geelong people can trust to provide that early warning.

At Salt Electrical, our licensed and qualified electricians are happy to inspect your smoke detectors and ensure they are in good working order. If your house is built after 1997, your smoke alarms must be connected to 240 volt power from the mains and have a back-up battery. You only require a battery-powered smoke alarm if your house was built prior to 1997.

It’s also important to note that legislation changes to the Residential Tenancies Act in early 2021 increased mandatory obligations on smoke alarm safety checks. It is now mandatory to have annual smoke alarm safety checks on rental properties and rooming houses. The legislation also states smoke alarms that are faulty or don’t work fall in the ‘urgent repair’ category.

If you don’t comply with the legislation you risk include heavy fines. You also put your insurance policy at risk of being declared void in the event of fire damage.

Peace of mind

At Salt Electrical, we believe smoke alarms are vital. Whether you live in your own home or a long-term rental or you let out your beach house over the summer, working smoke alarms are crucial.

Our experienced electricians carry out commercial, residential and industrial smoke alarm testing in Geelong and surrounding areas. We’ll come to your property, test your alarm, ensure it’s free of dust, sounding strongly and well positioned. We can change the batteries and replace smoke alarms if they’re over their service life or faulty.

Our testing provides peace of mind that your smoke detector will work when you need it the most. Maintaining smoke alarms may well save the life of your loved ones or your tenants.

So call in the professionals to test your alarms. Don’t put off this important job any longer. Contact Salt Electrical on (03) 5222 4222 today to organise prompt smoke alarm testing at your Geelong premises.